Alaska Property Taxes

Property Taxes

Property Tax Rates in Alaska by county. Click on the map below to view rates for a particular county.

Alaska Map

Minimum Property Taxes
Maximum Property Taxes

Property Taxes vary across Alaska based on County. The average Property Tax Rate in Alaska is 1.16%.

The highest state average Property Tax Rate in the United States is 2.33% in New Jersey. The lowest state average Property Tax Rate in the United States is 0.27% in Hawaii.

View the Property Taxes Overview for detailed information about Property Taxes. Click on a specific county on the map or from the table below for detailed Property Tax information. You can also learn how property taxes are calculated and about their history.

How does Alaska compare?

The highest Property Tax Rate, in Alaska is 1.52% in Nome Census Area. The lowest Property Tax Rate, is 0.00% in Aleutians East Borough, Bethel Census Area, and 1 others.

Alaska (1.16%) has a 13.7% higher Property Tax Rate, than the average of the US (1.02%).

Alaska is rank 17th out of 52 States and territories. The Property Tax Rates are higher than 35 other States and territories. Alaska is the 17th most expensive State or territory in terms of Property Tax Rates.

Learn how property taxes affect the cost of homes and rents in an Alaska.

Average Property Taxes for Alaska

Property Tax Rate
Property Value
Property Tax
Counties in Alaska (30)
County Rank Property Tax Rate Property Value Property Tax
Nome Census Area 1st 1.52% $181,300 $2,752
Dillingham Census Area 2nd 1.48% $167,700 $2,475
Anchorage Municipality 3rd 1.31% $363,800 $4,760
Fairbanks North Star Borough 4th 1.25% $276,800 $3,470
Matanuska-Susitna Borough 5th 1.15% $296,900 $3,402
Chugach Census Area 6th 1.05% $287,900 $3,013
Kodiak Island Borough 7th 1.04% $355,000 $3,694
Yukon-Koyukuk Census Area 8th 1.01% $86,600 $875
Bristol Bay Borough 9th 0.99% $253,400 $2,500
Juneau City and Borough 10th 0.94% $404,600 $3,789
Haines Borough 11th 0.89% $289,200 $2,564
Southeast Fairbanks Census Area 12th 0.85% $222,200 $1,893
Yakutat City and Borough 13th 0.84% $152,100 $1,283
Aleutians West Census Area 14th 0.78% $377,100 $2,937
North Slope Borough 15th 0.75% $193,800 $1,460
Ketchikan Gateway Borough 16th 0.71% $361,000 $2,568
Petersburg Borough 17th 0.67% $279,800 $1,878
Kenai Peninsula Borough 18th 0.66% $280,900 $1,853
Wrangell City and Borough 19th 0.65% $273,800 $1,791
Hoonah-Angoon Census Area 20th 0.52% $243,800 $1,278
Sitka City and Borough 21st 0.51% $424,700 $2,166
Prince of Wales-Hyder Census Area 22nd 0.46% $220,800 $1,011
Skagway Municipality 23rd 0.33% $434,300 $1,433
Kusilvak Census Area 24th 0.24% $82,200 $199
Denali Borough 25th 0.17% $227,000 $389
Northwest Arctic Borough 26th 0.14% $147,200 $199
Copper River Census Area 27th 0.08% $235,100 $199
Aleutians East Borough 28th N/A $164,100 N/A
Bethel Census Area 28th N/A $120,600 N/A
Lake and Peninsula Borough 28th N/A $167,000 N/A

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Data Source

Census Seal

Cenus Data is published by the U.S. census.