El Dorado County, CA

Latest Property Taxes

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The top four largest cities in El Dorado County are El Dorado Hills, Placerville, Shingle Springs, and South Lake Tahoe. Property Taxes on this page vary by ZIP Code but the county average is a great approximation. Below are the averages as well as more granulated Tax tables at the ZIP Code level.

How does El Dorado County compare?

El Dorado County (0.71%) has the average Property Tax Rate of California (0.71%).

El Dorado County is rank 26th out of 58 counties. This means the Property Tax Rate are higher than 32 other counties. El Dorado County is the 26th most expensive county in terms of Property Tax Rate.

Tax Tables El Dorado County, CA

Average Property Taxes

Property Tax Rate
Property Value
Property Tax

Property Taxes (By Zip Code)

ZipCode Property Tax Rate Property Value Property Tax
95613 0.00% $-666,666,666 $-666,666,666
95614 0.63% $470,300 $2,978
95619 0.53% $332,400 $1,751
95623 0.62% $495,300 $3,062
95633 0.85% $385,200 $3,282
95634 0.46% $335,900 $1,545
95635 0.61% $450,300 $2,763
95636 0.48% $313,500 $1,493
95651 0.51% $629,700 $3,183
95664 0.65% $391,200 $2,524
95667 0.71% $485,900 $3,439
95672 0.66% $664,500 $4,404
95682 0.69% $640,700 $4,436
95684 0.53% $558,900 $2,978
95709 0.68% $543,000 $3,711
95720 0.38% $506,300 $1,932
95721 0.00% $-666,666,666 $-666,666,666
95726 0.71% $388,400 $2,750
95735 0.67% $525,000 $3,500
95762 0.90% $822,200 $7,412
96142 0.51% $727,900 $3,700
96150 0.63% $595,300 $3,735
96155 0.00% $-666,666,666 $-666,666,666

Property Taxes on this page apply to the following cities in El Dorado County, California: El Dorado Hills, Placerville, Shingle Springs, South Lake Tahoe, Pollock Pines, Diamond Springs, Camino, Rescue, El Dorado, Cool, Garden Valley, Georgetown, Somerset, Pilot Hill, Greenwood, Grizzly Flats, Mount Aukum, Lotus, Tahoma, and Coloma.

These Property Taxes also apply to the following ZIP codes in El Dorado County, California: 95762, 95667, 95682, 96150, 95726, 96151, 95619, 95709, 95672, 95623, 95614, 96158, 95633, 95634, 95684, 95664, 95635, 96155, 95636, and 95656.

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Data Source

Census Seal

Cenus Data is published by the U.S. census.