District of Columbia Loan Limits

2024 Loan Limits

2024 Loan limits in District of Columbia by county. Click on the map below to view loan limits for a particular county.

District of Columbia Map

Minimum Loan Limit
Maximum Loan Limit

Loan Limits are the same across all of District of Columbia. The conforming loan limits for a single-family home anywhere in District of Columbia is $1,149,825.

Loan limits in District of Columbia are based on the median home price in each county of District of Columbia. Based on home prices across the state, all areas in District of Columbia have loan limits equal to the national loan limit ceiling.

View the loan limits overview for information on how loan limits are set for each county. Click on the a specific county from the table below for detailed loan limit information.

Counties in District of Columbia (1)

High-Cost Counties
County Median Home Price Conforming Loan Limit for
Single-Family Home
District of Columbia $1,072,000 $1,149,825

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Data Source

HUD Seal

FHA Loan limits are published by the HUD. Conforming loan limits are published by Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA).

Last updated on January 2, 2024