There are no Housing Authorities in Madison County, AR. Instead, this page lists the 3 closest HAs in Arkansas. Contact the Housing Authorities below to confirm which one has jurisdiction in Madison County.
Housing Authorities Madison County, AR
There are 3 Housing Authorities listed below for Madison County. Click on the "+" below to view each HAs. Call to inquire about their jurisdiction.
#1 N. School Ave.
Fayetteville, AR 72701 AR097 low-rent Washington 24.6 mi from Madison
Board Chairperson
Executive Director
#1 North School Avenue
Fayetteville, AR 72701 AR181 section 8 Washington 24.6 mi from Madison
Board Chairperson
Executive Director
#5 Applegate Drive
Springdale, AR 72764 AR104 combined Washington 26.1 mi from Madison
Board Chairperson
Executive Director
How can Housing Authorities Help?
Housing Authorities (also called "Public Housing Authorities" or "Public Housing Agencies") are privately run, non-profit organizations in charge of overseeing public housing programs in a county or metro area.
Although they are privately run, Housing Authorities are government sanctioned and federally funded.
Madison County
Madison County has 3 Housing Authorities. You can call or email them to see which PHA serves your area. Find their contact information above.
PHAs may do just the Housing Voucher Choice Program (Section 8), low-rent public housing, or both.
Wait Lists
There is a widespread shortage of affordable public housing in Arkansas. Most PHAs have a wait list of 1-2 years or more. PHAs may close the wait list when the list is too long.
You may consider checking PHAs in surrounding areas if you do not mind living in a nearby county.
Public Housing Authorities are free and are there to help you find affordable housing. Feel free to reach out to several housing authorities if needed.
Related Areas
Housing Authorities on this page apply to the following cities in Madison County, Arkansas: Huntsville, Hindsville, Wesley, Kingston, Combs, Pettigrew, Saint Paul, and Witter.
These housing authorities apply to the following ZIP codes in Madison County, Arkansas: 72740, 72738, 72773, 72742, 72721, 72752, 72760, and 72776.
Madison County, AR is considered part of the following metro area: FAYETTEVILLE-SPRINGDALE-ROGERS, AR.
Other counties in the same metro area are: Madison County, AR and Madison County, AR.
More on Madison County, AR
- Loan Limits to view maximum loan amounts in Madison County, AR
- Fair Market Rents 40th percentile FMRs and SAFMRs by ZIP code
- Property Taxes to find local Property Taxes
- Income Limits to learn more about income assistance in your area
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Data Source

Housing Authorities are approved by the HUD.
Last updated on February 25, 2020